Born in a decaying tree stump and raised on a healthy diet of 50's cartoons, Roald Dahl, Patti Smith and the Sun and the Stars, Dist. (David Earl Dixon) developed a love for illustrating the strange world which began to grow inside of his tiny mind from a young age. Fueled by E-numbers and an killer mix tape he began scribbling on pieces of paper, bits of wood and maths text books….copying characters from his favourite comic books and making them become friends with his own colourful creations."
A lot of artists tales are very similar to this, but Dist has grown larger in the scale of how he wants to do things….lavishing his surroundings with his muted world, stoic and dormant, Dist looks to create works which are fun and inviting but also slightly unsettled, and wistful.
Dist has exhibited his work wide and far, constantly looking to push the barriers of where his luminous and hollow beings will take him.
He also art directs his own skateboard brand 'The Harmony' and has created for Nike, Virgin and more.